●Forgotten Purrs will not ask for any personal information such as your phone number, town or city, address, zip code, etc.
●In order to create an account on Forgotten Purrs, you must provide your email address; however your email address can be changed fairly easily. Your email information is NOT stored or saved in any way, and we only need it to alert you when you receive a new reply, message, etc., or when we absolutely NEED to contact you directly. Settings for when you receive an email from Forgotten Purrs can be changed if you desire them to be.
●All content posted here is viewable to all members, and you have COMPLETE CONTROL over what you post. No one but yourself will be blamed for posting personal information. If personal information is posted, it will be deleted IMMEDIATELY. Once content is deleted, there is NO WAY to retrieve it.
●It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to decide what information goes into your Profile Page. Profiles are reviewed and anything that violates the rules WILL be deleted and a warning will be issued to you.
●If you are encouraged to post personal information that will make you IN ANY WAY able to be contacted by phone, etc., please tell the administrators of Forgotten Purrs and we shall assist you in all ways possible.
●No matter what your age, violating Forgotten Purrs' Privacy Policy or rules in any way that reveals personal information WILL be deleted! It is NOT okay to be posting information that in any way violates your privacy and/or safety.